I love to chat just ask anyone that has ever met me and I get most excited when my phone lets me know a lovely read sent me an email or left me a comment so go ahead make my day! I'm on twitter are you on twitter? because twitter used to confuse the hell outa me but now I'm addicted and always trying to find new awesome people so follow me and I'll follow you and we'll have a little chat up! Also I have a Facebook page and I promise I'm going to get better at updating it! But if you see ordinary ol' me on Facebook and I don't accept your add I do love you I swear it's just my family might kill me if they find my blog...
Email: take.my.hand.my.whole.life@gmail.com
Twitter: @myhandmylifetoo
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Take-my-hand-and-my-whole-life-too/115433415183218