Wednesday, 4 May 2011

I'm back...

As I said last week I went away to figure some things out well now I'm back and I have glandular fever! I am so ill. My new job is only for 6 weeks and no one told me. I told my Mum what was going on with the boyfriend and she told me I was asking to much of my boyfriend and she understood where he was coming from, That I should go back home because I can't live there because she would end up killing me. I also half of my family have planned to go on holiday for my 21st including my Mum and Dad they're all only going somewhere in this country but didn't think to plan their holidays around my 21st. Oh and on top of everything I asked my boyfriend last night if I could buy a dress (as I don't have money, as I have been unemployed) it was already in the sale and I could have worn it for work and everyday and we have not celebrated me getting a job and he said I could only get it if I found a discount code which I couldn't so no dress! I am generally rather pissed with the way I am being treated and I am fed up of being nice to everyone and get walked over. Things are about to change!

So From and very sick and upset blogger I tell you I will blog when I can at the moment but being is just making me sleep all the time.


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